Federal Environmental Justice Tracker

EJ Tracker Update

FEMA Finalized Rule Expanding Access to Individual Assistance for Disaster Survivors

Last updated:

January 22, 2024


Stafford Act




Final Rule

FEMA published an Interim Final Rule on Individual Assistance Program Equity, significantly expanding disaster survivors’ access to federal disaster assistance under the Individuals and Households Program (IHP). Key changes include more flexible funding for home repairs that address deferred maintenance exacerbated by declared disasters; more funding for accessibility-related items; and removing procedural hurdles for survivors seeking Other Needs Assistance. The interim final rule went into effect on March 22, 2024

For more details on FEMA’s changes to the Individual Assistance program, watch this informational webinar and review EELP’s slide deck.

The rule also responded to public comments submitted in response to FEMA’s April 2021 request for information on how to integrate equity into FEMA programs. Some of the comments addressed topics including limited access to FEMA assistance for survivors with disabilities and a burdensome appeals process for applicants.