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American Samoa, Pacific Ocean
Established April 29, 1986. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.
Cordell Bank, Pacific Ocean
Established May 24, 1989. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.
Channel Islands, Pacific Ocean
Established May 5, 1980. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.
Greater Farallones, Pacific Ocean
Established Jan. 16, 1981. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.
Monterey Bay, Pacific Ocean
Established Sep. 18, 1992. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.
Thunder Bay, Great Lakes
Established May 25, 2000. Listed for review under EO 13795. Not listed in the final recommendations.