… If FERC does reverse itself and apply mitigation rules more broadly, it will have hampered clean energy participation in the three markets targeted by the Department of Energy’s 2017 grid resilience proposal, which would have provided ratepayer funded contracts to coal, nuclear and oil plants in those regions. FERC unanimously rejected that DOE plan in early 2018, but critics say the MOPR orders will do more to support fossil fuel plants because the price floors are more likely to withstand legal challenges than the poorly-designed DOE plan. States may not stand idly by. New York utility regulators already have a proceeding open that could pull them from the NYISO’s capacity market, putting the state in charge of long-term generation planning once again. “The more aggressive FERC Is on these issues, the more likely it will lead to the demise of the New York ISO capacity auction,” said Ari Peskoe, director of the Electricity Law Initiative at the Harvard Law School Environmental and Energy Law Program.