In this episode, our Executive Director Carrie Jenks and Staff Attorney Hannah Oakes Dobie talk about EPA’s latest regulation to address interstate ozone pollution, the “Good Neighbor Plan.” Hannah and Carrie discuss how the rule’s new design features will refine EPA’s longstanding air transport program to require power plants to reduce smog-forming pollutants. Read more about the 2023 “Good Neighbor Plan” in our recent paper.
This podcast was recorded on April 3, 2023. On April 5, EPA issued its pre-publication version of the proposed Mercury Air Toxics Standards (MATS) that Carrie mentions in her discussion about upcoming power sector rules that might impact the timing for installation of emissions control technologies. For more information on the proposal, view our Mercury and Air Toxics Standards Regulatory Tracker.
Acronyms: CAIR (Clean Air Interstate Rule), CSAPR (Cross-State Air Pollution Rule), FIP (Federal Implementation Plan), NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards), SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction controls), SNCR (Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction controls), SIP (State Implementation Plan)