Policymaker Summaries are based on recent academic literature that explores electricity law and policy, unconventional oil and gas production, and water quality. The summaries are written by the Harvard Environmental & Energy Law Program in collaboration with the professors who produced the underlying scholarship. The content of these summaries reflects the views of the professors and not necessarily those of the Harvard Environmental & Energy Law Program or Harvard University.
Clean Electrification Addresses how regulation can encourage a “participatory” electric grid that is both efficient and equitable. The summary is based on an article written by Shelley Welton that appeared in the University of Colorado Law Review
Addressing the Regulatory Holdout Problem in the Siting of Interstate Transmission Lines Discusses how states can ensure that statutes and regulatory practices governing approval and eminent domain authorization for transmission lines facilitate regional cooperation and avoid dormant Commerce Clause violations. The underlying law review article was written by Alexandra B. Klass and Jim Rossi and published in the Minnesota Law Review.
Net Metering and State/Federal Jurisdiction Argues that FERC has authority to enable and facilitate the participation of retail customer resources, such as rooftop solar, in wholesale markets. It summarizes an article written by Jim Rossi that was published in The Electricity Journal.
Goal-Oriented Design for State Disclosure Rules by Kate Konschnik Discusses how disclosure regimes are not an end to themselves, but a means to achieving particular policy goals. Regulators can craft more effective hydraulic fracturing chemical disclosure regimes, including what they want disclosed, when, and how – with those goals in mind.