Federal Environmental Justice Tracker

EJ Tracker Update

Biden Administration Reaffirmed Commitment to Consultation with Tribal Nations, Released Uniform Standards

Last updated:

November 30, 2023


White House


Presidential Proclamation

The Biden Administration reaffirmed the federal agencies’ commitment to “meaningful, and robust consultation” with Tribal Nations on Jan. 26, 2021 as required by Executive Order 13175 of November 6, 2000 (Consultation and Coordination With Indian Tribal Governments).  The Administration also reiterated the commitments articulated in the Presidential Memorandum of November 5, 2009 (Tribal Consultation)  which “requires each agency to prepare and periodically update a detailed plan of action to implement the policies and directives of Executive Order 13175.”

Nov. 30, 2023 the Biden Administration released a Presidential Memorandum to create baseline standards for Tribal consultation. The standards were designed to streamline consultation between Tribes and Federal agencies and provide consistency and accountability for how agencies seek out Tribal consultation.