Federal Environmental Justice Tracker

EJ Tracker Update

HUD Issued Final Rule to Implement Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS) for HUD-Assisted Buildings

Last updated:

June 22, 2024


NEPA, Other Statute




Final Rule

HUD issued a final rule revising the agency’s floodplain and wetland regulations, and setting new standards to improve the resiliency of HUD-assisted or financed projects to the impacts of climate change and disasters. The rule implemented President Biden’s Executive Order 13690, requiring agencies to comply with the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard (FFRMS). Under the FFRMS, agencies must assess current and future flood risk when financing new infrastructure or substantial repairs. HUD’s rule expanded the floodplain to include future risks due to climate change, and required homes to be elevated two feet above the local flood level for certain HUD-assisted buildings in that floodplain. The requirements took effect June 22, 2024.