We are not currently updating this rule.
Why it Matters
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) manages over 260 million acres of land and 700 million acres of subsurface mineral rights. This rule was crafted to bring more stakeholders into the land management process, and to better account for ecological systems and the multiple uses and pressures on public lands.
BLM updated its land use planning procedures on December 12, 2016, aiming to bring more stakeholders into the land management process, and to better account for ecological systems and the multiple uses and pressures on public lands. Congress disapproved the rule under the Congressional Review Act, barring BLM from creating another rule that is “substantially the same.”
Dec. 12, 2016 BLM publishes its Planning 2.0 Rule, which updates land use planning procedures.
Trump Era
Feb. 7, 2017 The House of Representatives passes a resolution to repeal the rule under the Congressional Review Act (CRA).
March 7, 2017 The Senate passes a resolution to repeal the rule under the CRA.
March 28, 2017 President Trump signs the resolution disapproving the rule. Under the CRA, BLM may not promulgate a rule that is “substantially the same.”