Regulatory Tracker Federal Onshore Extractive Energy Leasing BLM finalized revisions to leasing royalty rates, rentals, minimum bids, and bonding requirements and continues to plan upcoming lease auctions. January 6, 2025
Regulatory Tracker BLM Methane Waste Prevention Rule BLM released a final rule to reduce the waste of natural gas from oil and gas operations on federal and Tribal land. Four states challenged the rule. September 12, 2024
Regulatory Tracker Oil and Gas Development in Alaska’s National Petroleum Reserve The Biden administration reversed the Trump administration’s decision to open much of the NPR-A to oil and gas development and added new protections in a final rule published on May 7, 2024. Litigation is ongoing. June 28, 2024
Regulatory Tracker Greater Sage-Grouse Protection We are not currently updating this rule. May 28, 2021
Regulatory Tracker Consolidated Federal Oil and Gas and Federal and Indian Coal Valuation Reform Rule Properly valuing revenues from publicly owned fossil fuels provides certainty to lessees about their investments and ensures taxpayers get a fair return from the extraction of these resources by private companies on public lands. October 16, 2017