On Sep. 13, 2017, Ari Peskoe delivered the Energy Bar Association’s semi-annual “Author Talk,” to discuss his latest article. Peskoe’s paper, which was the featured article in the most recent issue of Energy Law Journal, is about integrating state renewable energy and carbon reduction policies into FERC-regulated electricity markets. The article concludes that FERC’s legal authority is adaptable to industry changes, and FERC’s approval of market rules that facilitate compliance with state carbon reduction goals would be consistent with the law.
After the Energy Bar Association talk, Peskoe moderated a discussion hosted by the Council on State Governments, an organization that brings together state regulators and legislators to discuss pressing public policy issues. The panel discussion focused on state roles in implementing the Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), a law that requires electric utilities to purchase power from certain renewable energy generators. The panel included an Idaho utility regulator, a legislator from North Carolina, a representative from a utility, and renewable energy developer.