Regulatory Tracker

Clean Water

Section 401 Water Quality Certification

Last updated:

May 7, 2024



A fly fisherman makes a cast at sunset surrounded by mountains.

Current Status

EPA finalized a new rule to update Section 401 implementing regulations in September 2023. Louisiana and ten other states challenged the rule in federal court, and litigation is ongoing in the Western District of Louisiana.

Why It Matters

The Clean Water Act (CWA) is a bedrock environmental law intended to prevent discharges of pollutants into waters of the United States without a permit. States set water quality standards — designated uses for water bodies (e.g., water must be swimmable or fishable) with criteria to protect the designated uses. The CWA then provides mechanisms for states to enforce those standards.

CWA section 401 governs certification of water quality. Under section 401, any project seeking federal permits or licenses for activities that “may result in any discharge into the navigable waters” must also obtain a water quality certification from a state or interstate authority. Projects that trigger section 401 certification include projects requiring permits for disturbing wetlands, permits under the Rivers and Harbors Act, licenses for hydroelectric power plants, and licenses from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The certification process takes a holistic look at the water quality and the uses of the water where the discharge(s) may occur to ensure that water quality is maintained and that the water can support human, plant, and animal life.

Section 401 provides significant latitude to states to issue water quality certifications. States can approve projects without change, conditionally certify activities to reduce harm while allowing projects to move forward, deny certification, or waive the right to issue a certification (either affirmatively or by failing to promptly act). Crucially, if a state denies certification, federal agencies cannot permit such activity. In recent years, states have used their section 401 authority to deny permits to coal terminals, liquefied natural gas export facilities, and pipelines.
