07/08/2020 - Ari Peskoe

Group pushing FERC to end net metering slams critics

Tag: E&E News

The group behind a contentious petition that could curtail net metering nationally dismissed last week thousands of comments filed in opposition to the plan before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. The New England Ratepayers Association also revealed in its FERC filing that one of its members is president of an energy company tied to several electric utilities. “[The] arguments Protestors advance are outside the scope of this proceeding and lack merit, and the Commission should promptly grant NERA’s Petition,” the group’s lawyers wrote in the response. The Massachusetts-based nonprofit caused a stir last April when it filed a petition with FERC urging the agency to place net metering under federal jurisdiction. That could effectively upend the widespread practice, which requires utilities to pay rooftop solar owners for the extra electricity they generate and send to the grid (Energywire, April 20)…Ari Peskoe, a director of the Electricity Law Initiative at the Harvard Law School Environmental and Energy Law Program who has been critical of NERA’s petition, tagged Mitchell in a Twitter post last week asking if the firm president was the same person who signed the affidavit. When Mitchell responded, “Yes,” Peskoe asked how long Mitchell has been a member of NERA. “Several years,” Mitchell replied. “Do you pay dues to be a member?” Peskoe asked. Mitchell did not respond to that tweet. “I have confidence that FERC staff will read what’s been filed in the docket, and FERC will make its decision based on NERA’s petition and the actual contents of its opponents’ protests,” Peskoe said in an email to E+E News. FERC has yet to weigh in on the petition.

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